Monday, February 27, 2012

First week with Bountiful Baskets Co-Op

My first week of going and getting a basket from Bountiful Baskets was a ton of fun.  I met Robyn there and stood in line, not really knowing what to expect, while freezing my toes because I forgot to wear boots.  And it was no spring picnic, it was down right COLD!  Now remember this post is going strictly off of memory, (and if you know me, you know that my memory is as good as a gold fishes) so I may forget things.  But I will get the majority of my point across. 

The list of what was contained in this first weeks (for me) basket was:  Pears, oranges, an entire bag of apples (fuji, yum), bananas, 2 pomegranites, kiwi, tomatoes, a head of romaine lettuce, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, and the best of all, brussell sprouts. 

Now, as to what I did with it all.  Well, some of the basic things like the apples, oranges, bananas, kiwi, and lettuce I did what most of us would do.  I ate salads with the lettuce, and I had the apples, oranges, and bananas, and kiwi as snacks and sides to my meals. 

I mixed the corn, broccoli, and cauliflower in with my meals as side dishes.  All of the fruit and vegetables seemed to be very fresh and flavorful. 

The exciting part of this entire post was what I did with the brussel sprouts and pomegranites.  With the brussel sprouts, I steamed them and then put them into a bake with bread crumbs and cream of mushroom soup.  It was very good.  However, I was finding that the brussel sprouts might have been delicious with just a little bit of butter.  When they were steaming, they smelled great! 

With the pomegranite, I went online and learned how to seed and juice a pomegranite.  It seemed like a very daunting task.  It was however, way easier than I expected.  I ended up turning the pomegranite juice into pomegranite icecream.  Note to any of you who would like to try this, put the icecream maker outside, for it is VERY loud. 

All in all, this first week was a fun one, and I did order another basket for the following week.  But this time I will be out in East Helena.  Which means I don't have to get up and be there by 7:00.  Whew! 

So stay tuned for the next post.

Sincerely, The fruit and vegetabler. 

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