Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Pack week!

March 31, 2012 Basket.
This week I finally beat the cutoff and managed to get a basket.  The last two weeks I have been trying to get a basket, however, every time I logged on there were no more baskets left. 

But this is the week, and I did an add on pack.  Great week for it too, because there was a large number of veggies.  Don't get me wrong, I like the fruit too, but I feel that the veggies allow you to do more tasty things (like for instance adding butter, YUM!). 

So the fun things this week other than my add on pack, which was chocked full of veggies, was the sweet potatoes.  I do love some good sweet potatoes.  I think me and Becca will have those baked and loaded with salt, pepper and butter.  Sounds delish.  Of course there was pineapple too and that is one of my favorites. 

I decided this week, I knew I would have to share some of the stuff, because I knew with the add on pack I would be getting a lot of extra.  So I split up some of it and gave some to Mom, and some to Tina.  I hope they enjoy it.  I got a 10 lb bag of potatoes and a large bag of pears.  Both of those I shared, however, I still have a bunch left.  So I think the potatoes will go pretty quick.  Maybe I will have to make some potatoe salad for Easter to take to Bozeman.  I am also thinking that I might have to learn how to can pears.  I seem to be getting a bunch of those. 

All in all it was a good week for veggies.  I think our house was not doing too well without them, and I am glad to have them back.  So until next time, happy veggie and fruiting!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 4

Hello again,
So I have decided that I must be ready for summer.  Based on the fact that I decided that the best thing to use a bag of potatoes for is potatoe salad.  This past week I received a good selection of fruit and veggies in my basket, but the most exciting to me was the potatoes and the mangos.  I ended up turning the mangos into, well, a fruit salad.  I had so many ideas on what I wanted to use them for.  But in the end, my summer cravings came out and I chopped up a bunch of fruit and threw it in a bowl and spent the weekend eating it.  It was delicious and being that I have never actually peeled and cut a mango myself before, I thought it went pretty smoothly (or should I say slippery).  Great flavor once again in all of the fruit. 

Okay, getting back to the potatoes and summer.  I was supposed to spend last weekend baking for the March of Dimes fundraiser bake sale.  I managed to get it all done on Sunday.  But when I showed up to my mothers house, and everyone was ready to work on convincing me of going to mom and Dan's cabin in Craig, how could I refuse the idea of an almost summer day on the 4-wheelers?  So I bagged the baking for the day and went 4-wheeling to the cabin.  The night before we left however, I thought was the perfect chance to utilize those lovely looking potatoes.  I made one very large batch of potatoes salad. 

And the outcome of the salad?  Well, we carried home an empty bowl, and out of the 4 1/2 (Becca is included in this tally) people who ate it, they must have loved it because the bowl was empty by the end of lunch.  I personally think we were all ready for summer to get here.  It was a great day of clear blue skies, 4-wheeling in the mud, and hanging out with my family. 

So I hope the weather is treating you all well, and that you have had a chance to get out in it and enjoy a brief summary of what I hope the summer will bring. 

Until next time have a great day, week, or weather day.
The Fruit and Vegetabler

Monday, February 27, 2012

First week with Bountiful Baskets Co-Op

My first week of going and getting a basket from Bountiful Baskets was a ton of fun.  I met Robyn there and stood in line, not really knowing what to expect, while freezing my toes because I forgot to wear boots.  And it was no spring picnic, it was down right COLD!  Now remember this post is going strictly off of memory, (and if you know me, you know that my memory is as good as a gold fishes) so I may forget things.  But I will get the majority of my point across. 

The list of what was contained in this first weeks (for me) basket was:  Pears, oranges, an entire bag of apples (fuji, yum), bananas, 2 pomegranites, kiwi, tomatoes, a head of romaine lettuce, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, and the best of all, brussell sprouts. 

Now, as to what I did with it all.  Well, some of the basic things like the apples, oranges, bananas, kiwi, and lettuce I did what most of us would do.  I ate salads with the lettuce, and I had the apples, oranges, and bananas, and kiwi as snacks and sides to my meals. 

I mixed the corn, broccoli, and cauliflower in with my meals as side dishes.  All of the fruit and vegetables seemed to be very fresh and flavorful. 

The exciting part of this entire post was what I did with the brussel sprouts and pomegranites.  With the brussel sprouts, I steamed them and then put them into a bake with bread crumbs and cream of mushroom soup.  It was very good.  However, I was finding that the brussel sprouts might have been delicious with just a little bit of butter.  When they were steaming, they smelled great! 

With the pomegranite, I went online and learned how to seed and juice a pomegranite.  It seemed like a very daunting task.  It was however, way easier than I expected.  I ended up turning the pomegranite juice into pomegranite icecream.  Note to any of you who would like to try this, put the icecream maker outside, for it is VERY loud. 

All in all, this first week was a fun one, and I did order another basket for the following week.  But this time I will be out in East Helena.  Which means I don't have to get up and be there by 7:00.  Whew! 

So stay tuned for the next post.

Sincerely, The fruit and vegetabler. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Let me introduce my blog to you.

I'm gonna start this as easily as I can.  I have always wanted to start a blog.  However, I have also thought "is anyone really gonna want to read what I have to say?".  But, maybe they will if it's about food.  So the only thing about food that I could come up with was that I have recently started doing "Bountiful Baskets" Co-Op.  I have found that I am truly enjoying doing Bountiful Baskets, for 2 reasons.  1.  It is very fun to be surprised every time I go in and get my basket.  I never know what I am going to get.  2.  I am constantly forced to be creative with these foods in order to make sure they do not go to waste.  So for all of the post after this, I will be telling you all about the wonderful fruits and vegetables that I get with Bountiful Baskets, and all of the wonderful things that I do with them.  Including the new recipes or ideas that I find, as well as how it all turns out. 

I hope you stay tuned in for all of the healthy and unhealthy fruit and veggie meals to come.

The fruit and vegetabler.